
Webinar live on: Analiza unui caz de hepatocarcinom borderline resectable.

Stimate coleg / colega, Societatea Romana de Endoscopie Digestiva isi asuma misiunea de a asigura accesul membrilor sai la un proces coerent de educatie medicala continua si initiaza un program de webinarii lunare care vor include cate o prezentare de caz discutata in mod didactic si, speram, interactiv de catre lectori si audienta. Pentru a nu abuza de timpul dumneavoastra, am decis ca fiecare asemenea intalnire sa dureze maxim 60 de minute. Programul va fi anunta din timp, pe site-ul SRED si prin newsletter. Primul asemenea webinar se va desfasura in parteneriat cu Asociatia Romana de Chirurgie Hepato-bilio-pancreatica si Transplant Hepatic si va avea loc in data de 11 decembrie 2024, de la ora 20.00, avand ca subiect o prezentare de caz complex oncologic, si anume un carcinom hepatocelular borderline rezecabil. Panelul de experti implicati in managementul cazului va prezenta succint istoricul bolii precum si datele clinice si paraclinice referitoare la caz, dupa care va urma o discutie interactiva cu implicarea expertilor dar si a audientei vizand optiunile si solutiile terapeutice oferite de echipa multidisciplinara. Participarea dumneavoastra este, evident, gratuita dar necesita o pre-inregistrare folosind urmatorul link: https://www.chirurgiehbp.ro/eveniment/managementul-multidisciplinar-al-unui-caz-complex-de-hepatocarcinom/ Pentru orice nelamuriri sau sugestii, va rugam sa ne contactati pe adresa secretariatsred@gmail.com Va asteptam online, in data de 11.12.2024 Echipa SRED

Digestive Endoscopy Cluj 2024

We are delighted to extend our sincere invitation to the 2024 edition of the Digestive Endoscopy Workshop Cluj, to be held at the Iuliu Hațieganu Auditorium in Cluj-Napoca, starting mid-September.

During the 3-day workshop, from September 19th to 21st, esteemed international experts will convene to explore the latest advancements in digestive endoscopy.

In line with tradition, the scientific program will encompass sessions, workshops, and case presentations. The organizing committee has meticulously crafted an engaging agenda, providing a platform for invited experts to share their expertise, highlight recent breakthroughs and interventional techniques, and engage in discussions on pertinent topics.

Prof. Dr. Marcel TANȚĂU, MD, PhD, Workshop Director

More here https://www.endoscopycluj.ro/

International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to London for the 6th edition of our International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass (AEM); a comprehensive, major educational event with the participation of a stellar faculty of highly acclaimed international and national speakers to showcase the state-of-the-art of advanced endoscopy. Our exciting programme is now confirmed for our 6th International AEM London on 12th and 13th September 2024 at Cavendish Venues, Hallam Conference Centre 44 Hallam St, London W1W 6JJ. The International AEM London has already proven itself to be an unmissable event and once again we have a very prestigious faculty with unrivalled training. This 6th edition shall continue to focus on hands-on training by the best of the best international and national experts in their field. In collaboration with Jichi Medical University (JMU), Japan, the International AEM London shall continue to host the world`s first-and-only ESD hands-on training course dedicated to the revolutionary `pocket creation method` (PCM), as developed and taught by Prof Hironori Yamamoto, our key guest. This year’s format will be two consecutive days of one day hands-on training courses all running in parallel with supporting lectures. Hands-on course ESD on 12th or 13th September Capsule Couse on 12th September Hands-on course Haemostasis on 12th September Hands-on course ERCP & EUS on 13th September Hands-on course Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure on 13th September We are delighted to be able to inform you that the website is now open and look forward to receiving your registration. Sincerely, Dr Edward J. Despott International AEM Director Dr Alberto Murino International AEM Director Dr Nikolaos Lazardis International AEM Co-director


13th- 14th June 2024 TRAINING FOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE INTERVENTIONAL ENDOSCOPY PROCEDURES Program Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cristian Gheorghe Course Director: Prof. Dr. Mircea Diculescu Speakers: Prof. Dr. Cristian Gheorghe Prof. Dr. Eugen Dumitru Dr. Ion Băncilă Dr. Bogdan Cotruță Dr. Dan Pițigoi Dr. Răzvan Iacob Dr. Dorin Pietrăreanu Dr. Ionuț Saizu Conf. Dr. Adriana Dulamea Dr. Daniela Anghel Dr. Oana Stanciulea Dr. Cristina Gacea The workshop includes practical lectures of minimally invasive interventional endoscopy and an ex-vivo pig-model hands-on training session. The participants will be familiarized with different endo scopic techniques and the using of the endoscopy accessories for: • Polypectomy • Band ligation • Foreign body removal • Hemostatic clips • Argon plasma coagulation • Electroresection principles • Submucosal injection • Use of the hemostatic powder (HEMOSPRAY®) • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Gastroenterology specialists and gastroenterology fellows-in training which are familiarized with basic endoscopy procedures (endoscopy course certificate is necessary) are invited to apply for paritcipa tion. SRED MEMBERS BENEFITS. THE NUMBER OF PRATICIPANTS IS LIMITED. FOR REGISTRATION DETAILS: office@emmatravel.ro PROGRAMME – 13th- 14th June 2024 – TRAINING FOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE INTERVENTIONAL ENDOSCOPY PROCEDURES Thursday, 13th June 14.00 - 14.30 Welcome coffee & brunch -Cristian Gheorghe, Adriana Dulămea 14.30 - 15.00 Continuous Dopaminergic Stimulation Concept for patients with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease (multidisciplinary approach), including switch patients – Adriana Dulămea 15.00-15.30 The role of the gastroenterologist into the multidisciplinary approach of the Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Fundeni Institute role model – customized protocol - Cristian Gheorghe 15.30-16.00 Practical aspects of procedures’ preparation and monitoring (NJ and PEG-/J). Bogdan Cotruţă 16.00 - 16.30 Other approaches on PEG-/J interventions - Oana Stanciulea, Iulian Mosteanu, Robert Ciortan, F Loai Alshantti 16.30-17.00 LECIG – novel treatment and benefits for the life of patients with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease (incl case presentation) Dr. Daniela Anghel 17.00 - 17.30 Tips and tricks in Parkinson’s Disease. The importance of functional recovery - Cristina Gacea Conclusions 18.30 - 19.00 Dinner Friday, 14th June 08.00-08.30 REGISTRATION 08.30-09.00 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION – Mircea DICULESCU, Cristian GHEORGHE 9.00– 11.15 THEORETICAL SESSION – PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE MINIMALLY INVASIVE ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES – PART I (CEMT 4th FLOOR) • 09.00-09.30 ENDOSCOPIC POLYPECTOMY -Eugen DUMITRU , Cristian GHEORGHE • 09.30-09.35 Q & A • 09.35-09.55 ELECTROSURGICAL UNIT SETTINGS – Bogdan COTRUŢĂ, Ana DOICESCU • 09.55-10.00 Q & A • 10.00-10.20 ARGON PLASMA COAGULATION – Cristian GHEORGHE • 10.20-10.25 Q & A • 10.25-10.40 USE OF THE HEMOSTATIC POWDER FOR GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING (HEMOSPRAY®) Cristian GHEORGHE • 10.40-10.45 Q & A • 10.45-11.15 DISCUSSIONS 11.15-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.45 THEORETICAL SESSION – PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE MINIMALLY INVASIVE ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES – PART II (CEMT 4th FLOOR) • 11:30 – 12:00 ESOPHAGEAL VARICES BAND LIGATION – Bogdan COTRUŢĂ • 12:00 – 12:05 Q&A • 12:05 – 12:25 HEMOSTATIC CLIPS – Răzvan IACOB • 12:25 – 12:30 Q&A • 12:30 – 12:50 FOREIGN BODIES MANAGEMENT – Ion BĂNCILĂ • 12:50 – 12:55 Q&A • 12:55 – 13:15 Practical aspects of NJs – NUTRICIA and ENDOLUMINA. Eugen DUMITRU • 13:15 – 13:20 Q&A • 13:20 – 13:40 PERCUTANEOUS ENDOSCOPIC GASTROSTOMY / PEG + JEJUNAL TUBE – Dan PIŢIGOI, Bogdan COTRUŢĂ, Cristian GHEORGHE • 13:40 – 13:45 Q&A • 13:45 – 14:00 PEG-J Connectors. Tips & tricks. Constantin MANGÂRU • 14:00 – 14:05 Q&A • 14:05 – 14:10 DISCUSSIONS 14.15-15.00 LUNCH BREAK 15.00-18.45 HANDS-ON SESSION – PORCINE EX-VIVO MODEL (CEMT Ground Floor – EXPERIMENTAL SURGERY CENTER) • Polypectomy • Submucosal injection • Argon Plasma Coagulation • Foreign body removal • Band ligation • Hemostatic clips / over the scope clips • PEG/PEG-J • HEMOSPRAY® 18.45-19.00 • Conclusions, Discussion

News in Gastroenterology, Cluj-Napoca, November 8-9, 2024

Dragi colegi, Având în vedere succesul primei ediții al Conferinței ”News in Gastroenterology”, am decis să continuăm cu organizarea celei de-a doua ediții a acestui eveniment. Astfel, vă invităm cu drag la Conferința ”News in Gastroenterology 2024”, ce va avea loc fizic, la Hotel Radisson Blu - Cluj-Napoca, în perioada 8-9 noiembrie 2024. Manifestarea va aborda, ca și anul trecut, teme de actualitate, evidențiind cele mai noi recomandări ale ghidurilor și protocoalelor din domeniul gastroenterologiei, și va aduce în atenția participanților cazuri practice într-o prezentare dinamică și interactivă. Subiectele abordate vor fi prezentate de lideri de opinie cu înaltă ținută științifică din țara noastră și vor concentra informația științifică apărută în anul curent și anul precedent. Ne dorim o dezbatere științifică de înaltă ținută, într-o atmosferă plăcută și colegială. Sperăm ca această întâlnire să fie provocatoare și instructivă, dar să reprezinte și o nouă ocazie de a ne revedea și a ne împărtăși experiența. Vă așteptăm cu drag la Cluj! Președinți Conferință, Prof. Dr. Andrada Seicean        Prof. Dr. Cristian Gheorghe