
STATUTE Romanian Society of Digestive Endoscopy

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The name of the company is ROMANIAN of Digestive Endoscopy ( SRED ) . Registering the company is in Romania .
Romanian Society of Digestive Endoscopy ( SRED ) is an autonomous professional and scientific rganizatie bringing together practitioners and physicians practicing endoscopy in gastroenterology residents .
Romanian Society of Digestive Endoscopy shows structural autonomy , functional and economic .


The purpose and objectives of the company are:
To promote the diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in Romania , act to maintain honor and prestige , and the interests of members SRED .
To organize regular meetings of members of SRED in annual symposia and congresses .
To initiate and organize multicenter trials to assess epidemioogica of digestive diseases in Romania .
Ministry of Health and Family propose organizational system and conditions for accreditation of gastrointestinal endoscopy units and national development programs of endoscopy in Romania .
To propose to the College of Physicians and the Ministry of Health of the power system of organization and conditions for obtaining the right to practice in digestive endoscopy .
SRED program established in accordance with Ministry of Health requirements endoscopic equipment and its territorial distribution .
SRED propose and negotiate with the College of Physicians of Romania and the National Health Insurance endoscopy conditions of the specific benefits and costs of diagnostic and therapeutic .
SRED acts to stimulate the interest of young doctors stiitifica research by conducting competitions with prizes from the fund company at the annual event and scholarships for specialization and training abroad.
SRED acts for joining similar bodies and developing collaboration with acst Inernational through participation in scientific meetings and organizing exchanges .
SRED will publish regular newsletters and an annual supplement of ” Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology ” which will be published both recent recommendations from literature and original works .

MEMBERS Romanian Society of Digestive Endoscopy

Members SRED can be full members , associate members , honorary members .
Members . Members of SRED Romanian citizenship can become doctors , with the specialty of gastroenterology , doctors gastroenetrologie residents and physicians with competence in endoscopy Certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and Family .
Associate members may become SRED gastroenterology specialty physicians or residents of gastroenterology with a nationality other than the Romanian .
Honorary members are individuals in the country or abroad who through their work have made ​​a significant contribution in the development of Romanian and international endoscopy .
Terms and conditions of membership SRED are:
Members . Persons wishing to become members of SRED must complete a form and submit a recommendation from a member of the Board of Directors of the Company or a subsidiary president . Application form along with the recommendation be sent to the Secretariat SRED and enrollment decision in society are discussed in the meetings of the Steering Committee .
Associate members. Persons wishing to become associate members must complete a form similar to that for SRED Members plus company indicating they are members.
Honorary members may be personalities of endoscopy in Romania or abroad. Diploma Honorary Membership is awarded by vote of the Board of SRED .